I gave two talks at this year's RSGB convention. The first was on HF Propagation and I'd like to remind readers that I have a video presentation with audio that is available for RSGB-affiliated clubs.
If you would like your club to have a copy get your programme secretary to drop me an email at steve [at] infotechcomms.co.uk. I can also do a Skype-based Q&A after the presentation in most cases.
Otherwise, there is always the free "Understanding LF and HF Propagation" e-book to download.
The other presentation was on "An introduction to antenna modelling with MMANA-GAL". This is available for download. Don't forget that my three books are also available from RSGB ;-) or you can use the links on the right.
If you would like your club to have a copy get your programme secretary to drop me an email at steve [at] infotechcomms.co.uk. I can also do a Skype-based Q&A after the presentation in most cases.
Otherwise, there is always the free "Understanding LF and HF Propagation" e-book to download.
The other presentation was on "An introduction to antenna modelling with MMANA-GAL". This is available for download. Don't forget that my three books are also available from RSGB ;-) or you can use the links on the right.
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