Now it can be told � how were they built and what was Maurice working on before he died?
It was with regret that I learned that Maurice Hately GM3HAT (and latterly G3HAT) had passed away. It appears that he actually died in the spring of 2012, but there was no mention of it in the radio press.
My interest in Maurice's work stems from my enthusiasm for small and stealthy HF antennas. As one of the pioneers of the very controversial crossed field antenna (CFA) theory, Maurice used to make and sell small loops for everything from Top Band to 6m.
His adverts regularly appeared in RadCom and I was lucky enough back in 2002 to review some of them for the RSGB.
BUT! This was on the strict understanding that I didn't reveal how he had configured the matching circuitry. I even had to promise not to break the seals on the boxes.
This I duly did and the review was written and published.
But now that Maurice has died I feel I should reveal how the antenna was constructed and also release details of what he had been working on before his death - a new form of crossed field antenna that used two loops.
All this information may be too important to be lost and it is presented here so that amateurs can continue experimenting with his ideas. Was he on to something? Did his antennas work as as he said and can we continue developing them?
Steve G0KYA
June 2013
Download a PDF with the details of how the CFLs were built and also Maurice's last secret antenna design.
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Maurice Hately G3HAT (SK) |
My interest in Maurice's work stems from my enthusiasm for small and stealthy HF antennas. As one of the pioneers of the very controversial crossed field antenna (CFA) theory, Maurice used to make and sell small loops for everything from Top Band to 6m.
His adverts regularly appeared in RadCom and I was lucky enough back in 2002 to review some of them for the RSGB.
BUT! This was on the strict understanding that I didn't reveal how he had configured the matching circuitry. I even had to promise not to break the seals on the boxes.
This I duly did and the review was written and published.
But now that Maurice has died I feel I should reveal how the antenna was constructed and also release details of what he had been working on before his death - a new form of crossed field antenna that used two loops.
All this information may be too important to be lost and it is presented here so that amateurs can continue experimenting with his ideas. Was he on to something? Did his antennas work as as he said and can we continue developing them?
Steve G0KYA
June 2013
Download a PDF with the details of how the CFLs were built and also Maurice's last secret antenna design.
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